You're Doomed

The odds that the Rain Tax would actually ever get repealed was probably a long shot, but now it's probably not going to happen at least until the next Lenoir City election.

Newly elected city councilman, James Brandon, who ran for council on a platform to get rid of the Rain Tax now appears to have had a change of heart.

In his own words from his Facebook page:

I spoke to Mr. Brandon about his turn about and according to him, his research and information leads him to believe "it is in the best interest of the city" to have a Rain Tax. But give him credit, at least he doesn't claim it's mandated by some other agency or that all the money goes to the EPA or that the city had no choice but to pass it.

With councilman Brandon's decision to now support the Rain Tax and obviously councilman Hines who promised to review the Rain Tax, failure to even bring the topic up, looks like Lenoir City residents, businesses, schools and churches are doomed to continue to pay the Rain Tax, at least until the next election.

I will take exception with a portion of his post though, I'm not sure who told James that I had been offered the opportunity to "sit down and find the facts" but "wouldn't do it" but who ever told him that lied. Does anybody really think I would miss an opportunity to debunk the claims of the Rain Tax? I'm available 24-7, anywhere, anytime for that discussion.   

I don't question Mr. Brandon's motives or decision to change his mind, that's on him, but I lost several bets with folks that said he would flip when he got elected. I was betting he wouldn't.
