Why So Angry?
It appears the Lenoir City, incumbent candidates and
their surrogates and family members, are really upset with me right now.
I've read some of the social media posts they've made and heard some of
the things they've been saying. I really don't get it. The only thing
I've done this entire election cycle is report on their votes and
actions as Lenoir City elected officials. Why would it make them
so mad that I report their votes and actions if they're proud of the
things they've done? I haven't encouraged anyone to vote against the
incumbents, nor have I encouraged anyone to vote for their challengers.
I certainly haven't asked county commissioners to "beat the bushes" to defeat Aikens, Henline, Wampler or Simpson. I haven't been at the polls carrying sings for their challengers. What does it say about any elected official that are so ashamed of their voting record that they get mad if someone reports it? But when you look at their voting record, it's not hard to see why they wouldn't want people to know about it. I can not help how Tony Aikens, Mike Henline, Jennifer Wampler and Eddie Simpson have voted in the past. I can only report on it.
This is just a partial list. Nothing will ever change in Lenoir City until something changes in Lenoir City. |