Turner Denied

At the last Lenoir City planning commission meeting, one item on the agenda was a request by Turner Homes to rezone a 52 acre property, which they don't own, from R-1 to R-3. R-3 is the city's highest density zone allowing up to 24 homes per acre. On 52 acres, that could allow 1,248 new dwellings.

After the board chairman read the agenda item, the board remained silent. The chairman asked three times if there was a motion to approve or deny the request. After the third time with no board member responding, the chair announced the request failed for lack of a motion.

Turner Homes has become the new develop, anything anywhere, in the city.  From the land surrounding the sports complex, to the avenues in the old city to Harper Village. In fact, just last month, the city quit claimed several paper roads and alleys to Turner for the 7th Ave. development currently being cleared.

It is unknown why the planning commission failed to approve the Turner rezone request but maybe the board hadn't gotten the word from higher up to approve it. This was the first rezone request denied in memory.

I bet they will eventually get their rezone.   
