Turn It Down 4
No Hooting

At the last Loudon City workshop, council discussed the implementation of a noise ordinance apparently stemming from the ongoing nuisance the LOCO Drive-In has become. Residents in the one to two mile radius have been complaining about the noise from the drive in. The problems began with the movies were being played at very high volume with many including vulgar language.  The most recent problems arose when the drive-in began hosting large Mexican rodeos which appear to be nothing more than extremely loud concerts and parties.

To help address the issue, county commission sent letters to the EDA, who manages the lease contract for the property, and the city of Loudon, to ask that the noise problem be addressed. Nothing has been done. The county is now considering other actions to deal with the problem up to and including buying the property and closing the whole thing down if the operator will not deal with the noise problem.  

The city of Loudon already has a noise ordinance that could effectively stop the problem but is considering an enhanced version of the ordinance. However, whether new or old, if the ordinance is not enforced, it does no good.

While reading through the draft of the new ordinance, section 1(c) makes it clear that there will be no hooting in the city.

(c) Yelling, shouting, hooting, etc. Yelling, shouting, whistling, or singing on the public streets, or at any me or place so as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of any person in any dwelling, hotel, or other type of residence, or of any person in the vicinity.

It would appear that just this one section alone could be used to stop the noise coming from the concerts/parties. There seemed to be a lot of hooting going on at the last concert/party.

When the drive in was proposed, local officials were assured that there would be no problem with noise. The movies would be broadcast through a car radio or an app on a smart phone. Never was the idea of open air concerts and parties ever mentioned.

The residents of the area do not deserve to have to be subjected to this ongoing nuisance.

Below is the draft of the proposed noise ordinance.
