Total Disaster 13.1

In mayor Aikens never ending quest to destroy as much of Lenoir City as possible, another large swath of city property has been scraped to the bone to make room for more high density, residential development. Again, with absolutely no consideration of the impact on the neighborhood or the city or the county.

Last year, the city approved a high density development by Turner Homes. The development is located in the area some call the avenues. This is in the 7th, 8th and 10th Avenue area. The development will be 27 single family units and 16 townhomes. The 16 townhomes will be grouped in two and three unit, zero lot lines. The plat only shows one entrance/exit to the development on 8th Avenue/Oakwood Drive.

Lenoir City councilman, Eddie Simpson, who also serves on the planning commission said he loved to see this development.

Folks that live in that area will have to deal with an enormous increase in traffic.

If re-elected, you can bet Tony Aikens, Mike Henline, Jennifer Wampler and Eddie Simpson will absolutely continue the total destruction of Lenoir City.

Nothing will ever change in Lenoir City until something changes in Lenoir City.
