Tony's Big Lie?

****The first Press release****

Problem, is The Press Release Was Wrong

The Next Press Release About An Hour Later
Not Quite As Formal And Formal

I guess if I was going to go to all the trouble to do a grand press release, call a news conference and all, I would probably have wanted to check my sources pretty closely. I guess the mayor was more concerned with trying to score some kind of political points than to get the facts right.

Even though I titled this story, Tony's Big Lie?, that might not be fair. Maybe he did get some bad information from another county commissioner or county official, we would all like to know who that was.  Even if true, it was still wrong. Maybe he just made it up out of thin air and just wants to blame someone else. He could have checked with me and I could have told him he was dead wrong. I will give the mayor credit for one thing, he did apologize, of course, when you miss one this bad, there's was nothing much else he could do.

As Andy Griffith told Opie in one episode, "You and Aunt Bea are having fried chicken, I'm eating crow."

Maybe it wasn't a lie at all, maybe just more Tony Bologna.
