Tone Deaf?

Fresh out of the May primary election where over development was the single biggest issue to be decided. At the time, the debate was whether to allow two homes per acre or two and a half homes per acre. All candidates who supported over development lost badly. Candidates who proposed controlling development won.

Now, 7th district, Tellico Village, democrat candidate for county commission, Kenneth Moore, is proposing a compromise. His proposal is four homes per acre. Not exactly sure how four homes per acre is a compromise between two or two and a half.

I'm sure Mr. Moore is a fine man and I'm sure he has good ideas but just the fact he thinks super dense development is good for Loudon County says about all you need to know.

Moore is challenging incumbent commissioner, Henry Cullen. Cullen has been on commission since 2014 and has done an outstanding job. Henry has served as commission chairman since 2018.

Henry Cullen has been a true asset for Loudon County commission and a staunch advocate for Tellico Village. 

As Henry says, "Let's Keep Tellico Village Red."
