Time To Incorporate 5

The financial hole the Tellico Village Property Owners Association, TVPOA, has dug for themselves, and the citizens therein, continues to get deeper. And it appears the new CEO, Chet Pillsbury, is now digging with a steam shovel. According to the TVPOA, they are looking at many millions of dollars just to keep the water and sewer flowing not to mention their roads. They also just announced, they would have to repay the federal government 1.3 mil in PPP money they got from the feds back in 2021. And the hole gets deeper.

Pillsbury, who some call the Pillsbury Dough Boy, not because of size or weight, but because of his ability to spend dough, is back to the money trough again. He is once again proposing a 5% entry tax for the village. Meaning, anyone buying a house in the village would have to pay a 5% tax on the cost of any home bought in the village. The Dough Boy claims he has to accomplish this feat through state legislation because the only other way he could achieve this new tax would be a two thirds vote of  village residents. And his statement was, that would never happen. So there's some food for thought, if a majority of village residents wouldn't want it, why would any state legislators want to pass such an tax?

Next, Pillsbury is discussing a surtax on everyone's water bill. $50 to $100 per month are the numbers that have been thrown around thus far. This would be on top of the highest water and sewer bills in the county.  Currently, the monthly TVPOA fee is $177.00, per month and will go up 5% each year. At this rate, it's going to get real expensive, real fast to live in the village. With more than 7,000 permanent residents, the village operating budget is larger than Lenoir City, Loudon or the county's budgets. 

With all the financial challenges and issues, the TVPOA refuses to even discuss the best and simplest solution to their problems, incorporation, becoming a city.     

The only way Tellico Village will ever survive and thrive is to incorporate, become a city. As merely a subdivision, all be it a large one, the cost of maintaining the village will and is out pacing the revenues. The main source of POA revenues are POA fees which are now $167.35 per month and going up every year. In fact, a majority of property owners pay more in POA fees than property taxes. 

As a city, the POA fees could be eliminated and replaced with a reasonable property tax. As a city, the village would have access to a plethora of state and federal grants for sewer, water, streets and infrastructure. There would be sales tax revenues generated within the village. The governing body would be a truly elected body by residents of the village.

Why will TVPOA board members refuse to even consider incorporation? There would be no downside.

Welcome To The City of Tellico Village has a ring to it.
