Tellico Village POA Election

Below are the results of the Tellico Village POA board election. There were two open seats to be filled. Six candidates were running for the two seats. Michael Lackey and Joel Reed won the two seats. Lackey and Reed had run on the platform of changing the operations of the POA.

Our message to the Villagers

Tellico Village has not been governed and managed efficiently.  Our operational structure has brought us to this point.

It is time for a change. Our team will focus on how problems are properly defined and studied, independently corroborated, and what alternatives are available to us beyond just raising and spending more of your money

No more hiding behind “committee recommendations” without answering in public meetings how decisions have been made at a detailed level. In short, transparency and accountability.

Join us in this first step toward transforming our Village in this election

Michael Lackey & Joel Reed

We’re running for election to the Tellico Village Board. We believe that we can bring some new and less expensive solutions to our Village