
In The Smallest Of Print: Paid For By Tony Aikens For Mayor

Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, is spending big bucks, doing everything he can, to get himself and his loyal council members back in office.

For several weeks now, Aikens has been running half page ads in the News Herald touting the success of himself and his team hoping to get them all back in office for four more years. Why would Aikens be spending his own campaign money to get the council members re-elected? Because he knows full well, Mike Henline, Jennifer Wampler and Eddie Simpson will do whatever he tells them to do, without question. If Aikens is re-elected, he can't take the chance that any other candidates get elected to council that will not obey his commands as the three incumbents will. Henline, Wampler nor Simpson have ever cast a "NO" vote on anything Aikens wanted. 

Two years ago, Aikens worked just this hard to keep Todd Kennedy from getting elected. It didn't work then, will it work this time?

I do have to take a quick minute to address some of Aikens claims in his Teamwork ad.

  • Construction of training facility: With a million dollars from from Loudon County and 250k from Loudon City
  • New LCUB Building: $65,000,000.00
  • Reduce Property Taxes by 5%: After raising Property taxes by 17%
  • Keeping taxes low: Raised property taxes, voted for two sales tax increases, passed the Rain Tax, voted for gas tax increase
  • Support first Responders: Refuses to pay the city's portion of 911 Emergency Communication operation
  • Backed By Small Business Owners: Mostly those who do not live in or have businesses in Lenoir City

Of course, Aikens never mentions all the mass development all over the city.

Can Lenoir City survive four more years of this kind of TEAMWORK?

Nothing will ever change in Lenoir City until something changes in Lenoir City.
