Simpson's All In

Last week, I reported that none of the city incumbents, running for re-election, has laid out their platform for why they're running for re-election and why anyone should vote for them. Finally one of them has. 25 year incumbent councilman, Eddie Simpson, has sent out his first mailer explaining why voters should re-elect him. Apparently, he should be re-elected so he can continue destroying the city with the same policies he's been supporting for his entire political career. 

In his flyer, he promises to do more of the same while doing nothing to stop the mass over development he has supported so strongly. Remember, he not only voted for all the developments, including the new 267 apartments now under construction beside Food City, as a council member, he also voted for all the developments as a member of the city planning commission.

Some of his bullet points on his flyer are absolutely laughable. The biggest whopper in the flyer is, "I support controlled growth as market allows". The man has voted for every massive development twice. What the heck is his definition of controlled growth? Anything anywhere? Not even sure what "infrastructure prosperity" means. Apparently, it means to bring so much traffic to the city and county streets and roads, no one can go anywhere. Then he claims to have voted on a one year moratorium on new development. That's certainly not true. He voted on a moratorium on any new apartment developments. High density residential development is still very much allowed. He says he reduced property taxes by 5%, but failed to mention that he voted to raise property taxes 17% in 2021 and he sure didn't mention that he championed and voted for the Rain Tax. 

If you'll just listen to these people, they'll tell you who they are and what they'll do. And don't doubt them. Look around Lenoir City.

The other two incumbent council candidates still haven't laid out their platforms on why they should be re-elected. Apparently, council member, Jennifer Wampler's strategy is to "Like" and comment on every Facebook post on the internet. Mike Henline's approach seems to be to have his picture made with Tony Aikens at every opportunity. But neither one has provided any information on why they should be re-elected or talked about their past voting records or actions.

Nothing will ever change in Lenoir City until something changes in Lenoir City.
