I was going to do a little story on the one year
anniversary of Sarah's cancer diagnoses but she beat me to it on
Facebook. I certainly couldn't have said it any better.
Sarah's Post One year ago I received the call from my doctor that I had cancer. Honestly, I was pretty stunned. The moment I hung up, I told God you are the one that has to take care of this and an amazing peace washed over me. A few days later I got a real bad case of Covid pneumonia and had to delay the oncology appointment for six weeks (I was originally supposed to have had a call back from my doctor for a recheck from my appointment in March. So the cancer diagnosis was already 9 months later than it should have been). The cancer surgery couldn't be scheduled for yet another month, but again, I wasn't anxious. After the surgery, we wouldn't know if the cancer was contained or had spread for another couple of weeks. More waiting. I finally got my report back that the cancer was contained and had not spread. No chemo or radiation required. Thank you GOD!
God knows. He already knew. He wants us to always
come to HIM.
I know and understand not everything in our lives has a great outcome because we live in a very broken world, but I do know if we keep going to God, He will be with us through the biggest and the smallest storms, we just need to keep going to Him. Give it all to Him. I don't understand how He has done and keeps doing ALL that He does, but I don't have to. I just keep trusting He will. Thank you God for giving us another day. I want to always remember to thank you everyday for your amazing saving grace, love and your mercy! |