Sales Tax Hike 16
Paid In Full

Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, sales tax hike, special election bill has been paid, but of course, not by the city. We learned last week that Aikens had stuck the city school system with the $17,963.47. bill after the sales tax hike failed miserably.

Even though there was never any discussion of the school board paying the bill, apparently, Aikens put the whole cost on them. This brings up the question, where did the school board get the money to pay the bill?

In government accounting, everything has to be appropriated in the budget. I doubt there was a line item in the board budget to pay for the special election. If not, there should have been an amendment to the budget, voted on by the school board, to pay for the special election. Otherwise, where did they appropriate the money from to pay the bill? When did they vote to pay for the election?

Another fine mess caused by Aikens.
