No Veto

At the June 24th county commission meeting, where a majority of commissioners voted for a 25 cent property tax increase to fund the county school board building proposal, the question of a county mayor veto came up.

In some circumstances, the mayor does have veto powers, but not pertaining to the property tax levy. For clarification, county mayor, Buddy Bradshaw, ask the county attorney for a legal opinion on the veto matter. Even if the county mayor were to ever issue a veto on any resolution, a simple majority of commission (6) can override the veto.

Another question that was raised during the meeting was if a certain commissioner had a conflict of interest in voting on the budget and property tax levy. The county attorney's opinion also answers that question

Bottom line, the mayor cannot veto the property tax distribution resolution, nor was there any conflict of interest by any commission members voting on the budget or the tax resolution.

Below is the county attorney opinion. 

Click Here For Opinion Letter
