New Sign Rules 2

At the last Lenoir City council meeting, council voted to implement the new election sign rules. There seemed to still be confusion on the reason for the new rules but as it stands, candidates in the August and November elections will not be allowed to place campaign signs on city property or city right of ways. But again the conversation centered around the rules behind Roane State where early voting takes place.

At the planning commission meeting, it was stated that if candidates put up a tent during early voting, the tent must be occupied. If not occupied, the tent and any signs would have to be removed. However, at the council meeting, it was stated that if a tent is not occupied, only the signs had to be removed.

The new rule also states that the ordinance will nor supersede state and federal laws. So that brings up the question of state right of ways. According to state law, 2-1-116, campaign signs are allowed to be placed on state right of ways and according to TDOT's frequently asked questions:

Question No. 4: CAMPAIGN ADVERTISING, SIGNS IN STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY Can campaign advertising signs be placed on State right-of-way? Answer: Yes, signs can be located on State right-of-way. This is allowed by State Law (T.C.A. 2-1-116). Signs are to be removed within 3 weeks after the election. See the State Law for a full explanation.

So there's a point to be clarified. I suspect by the November election all the incumbent candidates will be placing their signs on city property and right of ways as they always do.

Rules for thee and not for me seems to be their motto.

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