New Radios

Loudon County Fire / Rescue has put into service 40 new Motorola APX 8000 Tri band radios that were purchased with funds from the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant program, the Tennessee State Fire Marshall’s Office Volunteer Fire Equipment and Training Grant and funds from LCFR provided by the donations from the citizens of Loudon County.

These new radios allow our firefighters to have communications with all departments (fire, police, EMA, utilities, schools and others) in Loudon County and agencies surrounding Loudon County that we have mutual aid agreements with.

FEMA Funds = $337,290.90

TN Fire Marshall’s Office = $33,729.10
LCFR funds provided by donations = $14,527.82
Total Cost = $385,547.82
The firefighters with Loudon County Fire / Rescue are extremely grateful to FEMA, TN State Fire Marshall’s Office and the citizens of Loudon County. Without this support, this purchase would not have been possible.
Michael Hodge
Assistant Chief
Loudon County Fire / Rescue
