New generation of guardrails
in Loudon County promises safety at higher speeds
How fast do you drive on the interstate? If it’s faster than 62 mph,
you are almost certainly driving past guardrails never tested to
stop vehicles at those speeds.
One company is looking to
change that. Sicking Safety Systems designed guardrails that
have passed collision tests at 77.5 mph, faster than any other
guardrail in the country as far as the designers are aware. Some
of these guardrails were recently installed on Interstate 75 in
Lenoir City.
This new system is called NGT which stands for both Next Generation Terminal and Non-Gating Terminal in reference to how the guardrail won’t let cars pass through the barrier, according to Dr. Kevin Schrum, program director at Sicking Safety Systems, the company that funded the development of this guardrail. The non-gating also helps prevent vehicles from colliding with potentially deadly hazards beyond the guardrail such as bodies of water. Schrum explained the NGT has passed tests at higher speeds than any other guardrail of which he is aware. Normally, guardrails are tested at speeds of 62 mph in compliance with MASH — the manual for assessing safety hardware. However, the NGT system has passed tests at speeds of 77.5 mph. This is important because, in Lenoir City, it is guarding a road with a speed limit of 70 mph. Schrum explained the collision in their test had “about 50% more energy” than in usual tests.
A spokesperson for
the Tennessee
Department of Transportation (TDOT) confirmed
this saying, “This device has been successfully tested at 78
mph, well above MASH TL-3 performance evaluation criteria
speed of 62 mph.”