New GB Coach 2

After a bit of controversy, the Loudon County school board voted to hire Tommy Clemmer as the new Greenback football coach at last Thursday's meeting. Only one parent spoke at the meeting in opposition to Clemmer's hire. The vote was 8-2 in favor. Board members voting no were Ken Presley and Zack Cusick. Both preferred hiring athletic coaches that are also educators.

Less than a month ago, it was announced that Greenback High School had hired a new football coach. Zack Rayl had been announced as the new coach. About two weeks later, Rayl informed school administrators he would not be able to accept the job due to personal reasons.

Pryor to hiring Rayl, county school board administrators had formed a committee to accept applications for the coaching job, review those applications and decide on the top five candidates. The top five would be interviewed and a recommendation would be made by the committee. Rayl was the first choice.

After Ryal decided not to take the job, the hiring committee made a second recommendation for the coaching job. The committee has recommended Tommy Clemmer of Loudon for the head coach position. This recommendation has caused some contention among Cherokees fans and supporters. Clemmer has been an assistant coach in the Greenback program in the past.

Since Clemmer was not a teacher and does not have a teaching certificate, the school board had to vote on the hire.
