New Director 2

Lenoir City schools announced last week they have named a new director of schools.

All of us at Lenoir City Schools would like to congratulate Dr. Millicent Smith for being named the next Director of Schools. Dr. Smith will take the lead role on July 1st, 2004. We are looking forward to the amazing opportunities that she will create for our students. 

On April 29th, Lenoir City school director, Jeannie Barker, abruptly announced her retirement/resignation effective June 30, 2024. On May 9th, the Lenoir City school board voted to accept Barker's retirement/resignation and to enter in contract negations with Ms. Smith. Apparently, those negations went well. May 23rd, the announcement of Ms. Smith's appointment.

Ms. Smith has been with the city school system for about 8 years. She was the assistant director of schools with a combined salary of $133,532.00. Out going director Jeanne Barker's salary is $170,500.00. It is unknown at this time what Ms. Smith's new salary will be. The city school system has only 3 schools.

This has to have been one of the fastest retirement/resignation replacements in local government ever.

Congratulations to Ms. Smith on her appointment. 
