Mr. Tire Gone

And just like that, another landmark is gone. The old Mr. Tire, later Nelson Tire building is gone. It didn't take but a couple days to level the lot.

While most will remember it as Mr. Tire, those of us that have been here a long time will remember it as Mayford Baker's Mobil service station. In fact, it was where I had my very first paying job, I was 12, it paid 50 cents an hour. Mr. Baker hired me to be a grease monkey. He had the contract with the Bell South office in town to service all their telephone vans. They were the old army green Ford vans with the engine between the seats. My job was to change the oil, oil filter, air filter and grease the ball joints. I had to stand on a milk crate to reach them.

Anyway, enough reminiscing. According the the folks I talked with at the Dodge dealership, they're going to build a new 9 bay garage and do their service work in the new building.

That's what's happening.
