More Ants?

Seeing more ants around your home? Here’s why
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A Middle Tennessee pest expert wants to offer helpful tips to keep the ants away when the weather changes.

Jesse Butikofer, owner of Thrive Pest Control, says that those rainy days a few weeks back in August sent a lot of ants scurrying into homes. And once they’re inside, they’re looking for something they like.

“A big attraction can be anything from dog food to food on a countertop to spills. The more you have kids, the more you’ll have ants,” said Butikofer. “They’re just like little ‘sugar shakers’ wherever they go sprinkling food – and that’s going to bring those ants in.”

But here are some everyday tricks to keep them out:

Don’t keep pet food out
Vacuum your baseboards
Seal food into air-tight containers

He also says to check for moisture like leaky pipes, because ants love moisture. “That moisture level can also encourage more to hatch out, which is generally going to be a few weeks after. So you could get some tailwinds from that from those ant activities you might be seeing.”

And a heads up—In the fall, if the area gets more rain and the temperatures cool, ants will try to go inside your home to get more comfortable.
