Loudon Youtube

In the post COVID era, many have gotten a custom to watching livestream meetings and events. Most local governments are now livestreaming. The city of Loudon had been using the Loudon TV3 video platform to stream and record their meetings. But some time ago, the city apparently went to their own Youtube channel. They don't stream all their meetings but when they do, it's on their Youtube channel. Below is a link to their channel.

Loudon Youtube

They don't date their videos or identify what meeting it is but you can usually figure it out by watching.

Loudon County streams and records nearly all their meetings on their own Youtube channel. Below is a link to their channel.

Loudon County Youtube

Lenoir City still uses the Loudon TV3 platform to stream/record their council meetings Below is a link.

Loudon TV3

Since Loudon County and Loudon City have both used the Loudon TV3 platform in the past, there are many archived meeting recordings still there.

Hope this helps everyone find the meetings.
