Loudon High getting new principal
MacKintosh has served Loudon County Schools for 23 years, including as a teacher, assistant principal and principal for Steekee and Eaton elementary schools. He more recently has served as a central office supervisor.
“Being principal is a difficult and complicated job, but one that I have loved doing,” MacKintosh said in an email correspondence. “Juggling instructional support, along with staff, student and family issues, makes the job multi-faceted. While high school principal is a bit of a different animal than that of elementary principal, both jobs revolve around making every decision based on what is best for students. That will always be the cornerstone of what we do.
“… Our team at LHS would love to continue our mission of preparing every student for their future college and career experience,” he added. “We will strive to be the absolute best we can be in academics, athletics and all other areas of high school life.”
MacKintosh said it was an honor to take over for Parrish, who for 20 years has served LHS.
Parrish will continue to support the district at the central office level, Jason Vance, director of schools, said in an email correspondence. As of Friday, specifics on Parrish’s role had not been determined.
“We haven’t worked through all of the details about Cheri’s new role,” Vance said. “My primary concern at this point is to ensure that Loudon High School has a successful transition. We will work out the details later this summer. It is of the upmost importance for the students, faculty and staff at Loudon High to feel treated well and for us to support them during this upcoming school year.
“... Cheri has served as a leader for the past 20 years and I’m quite certain she has a couple more strong years to offer our students,” he added. “She has a compassionate heart and a desire to see our students succeed.”
Parrish could not be reached for comment by News-Herald presstime.
