Lisa's Not Happy
Remember last month when the judge rendered his opinion in the Court
Clerk, Lisa Niles, law suit against the tax payers? You remember the
news head lines? Niles Wins Lawsuit, Judge Rules for Niles. You remember
I told you she did win but very little? Now we know how she's taking her
big win. She's taking the county back into court. Last Friday, Niles attorney filed a request for clarification with the judge. What this means is she didn't get what she wanted so she's going back to the judge to ask for more. Specifically, $57,000.00 more in raises for her current employees. Essentially, what Ms. Niles is saying to the judge is, your honor, I know you set through the entire eight hour trial, and I know you took three weeks to read and research the facts of the case before rendering your opinion, but your honor, you're wrong on your decision and you need to go back and give me all the raises I sued for. I guess Ms. Niles has promised all her employees big raises and since the judge didn't give them to her, she's going back again. She's treating the judge the same way she treated the commission. Just keep demanding what she wants and if she doesn't get it take it to the next level. Commission wouldn't give her all the money she wanted so she sued. I guess if the judge doesn't give her what she wants, she'll appeal the judges decision. What does she care, it doesn't cost her anything. You the tax payers have to pay her legal fees. Below is a list of the proposed raises as outlined in the lawsuit.
I hope this gives everyone a little better understanding of what the commission has been dealing with trying to work with Ms. Niles. You absolutely can't deal with her. If the judge even grants a request for clarification, he has the authority to do what ever he wants. He can give her nothing more, something more or everything. I can honestly say, I have never seen an elected official with more contempt for the citizens she represents than Ms Niles has shown. I hope everybody remembers this in a couple of years. |