Let's Be Clear

I want this to be as clear as possible, and contrary to what the incumbents are saying, I have not supported or opposed any candidate in the Lenoir City election. I have reported on the actions and votes of all the incumbents who are running for election. If that seems like opposition, so be it. I can not help how Tony Aikens, Mike Henline, Jennifer Wampler and Eddie Simpson have voted in the past. I can only report on it.
  • Voted to raise Aikens pay from $6,900 per year to over $100,000.00 per year

  • Voted to pass the Rain Tax

  • Voted for two illegal annexations. (currently in litigation currently costing $$$$)

  • Voted to give away city property to enhance an Aikens business deal

  • Voted for a gas tax increase

  • Voted for a sales tax increase in 2018

  • Voted for a 17% property tax increase in 2021

  • Voted for sales tax increase in 2024

  • Voted for every mass development in Lenoir City

  • Voted to pass millions of dollars in tax breaks for certain businesses and developments

  • Refuses to pay the city's portion of the 911 Emergency Communications bill

This is just a partial list.

I know very little about Wayne Collins that's running against Aikens other than he's a retired Air Force veteran. I know he opposes the uncontrolled development, higher taxes and secret government. Apparently, totally opposite of everything Aikens believes in. I usually tell people that Wayne Collins biggest asset is that he's not Tony Aikens.

I don't know Trever Branson other than he ran for council in 2022, but came up short.

I don't really know James Laney, but I did see where he had received the endorsement of the local Libertarian party and that's not easy to do. I know he opposes over development.

I do know Robin McNabb, mostly due to her time as city judge which certainly gives her insight into city government. She is a practicing attorney.

This is a Lenoir City election. The residents of the city will have to decide how they want the future of Lenoir City to go.

If you don't like how government operates, then do something to change it, right? So here I am, running for one of three seats up for election this November for Lenoir City Council.

If elected, I will be OPEN and HONEST about what is going on in Lenoir City politics. I will not participate in any back-room deals or give away City land to benefit investors or other office holders.

I want to STOP RESIDENTIAL OVERDEVELOPMENT and get infrastructure in place for the houses and apartments already approved by City Council.

I want SHORTEN TIME IN OFFICE for City officeholders. Change the terms for mayor and city council to 2 years (instead of 4 years) with a term limit of 8 years. Meaning, if an office holder isn't getting results for the constituents in two years (or is working against residents' best interests), the citizens can vote that person out much quicker. This will help keep the mayor and city council accountable to the voters. And after serving 8 years in either office, you are DONE. New people = new ideas.
