Lenoir City Election

With 24 days left for candidates to qualify for the November Lenoir City election, thus far, only two candidates have picked up a petition as a challenger to any of the incumbent city candidates. Wayne Collins has picked up a qualifying petition to challenge incumbent mayor, Tony Aikens. Unfortunately, Mr. Collins hasn't returned his petition to qualify to run. Trevor Branson has also picked up qualifying petitions for both the mayor seat and and a council seat. Ultimately, Branson will have to decide which seat he wants to run for. 

Also on the ballot is the city treasurer/recorder position currently held by Jimmy Wilburn. Wilburn is also seeking re-election. Unique to this position, anyone in Loudon County can run for it. You need not be a resident of the city.

Given the anger shown by so many city residents, over the last few years, over the actions of the mayor and council, it's surprising no other challengers are willing to get into the race. I know there are a number of people who have talked about getting in, but so far no others have.

The incumbents, mayor Tony Aikens, council members Mike Henline, Jennifer Wampler and Eddie Simpson are all running for re-election. All four of these incumbents supported/voted for:

  • 2024 Three quarter Cent Sales tax Increase
  • 2021 14 Cent Property Tax Increase
  • 2018 Half Cent Sales Tax Increase
  •  2017 Gas Tax Hike
  • 2017 Rain Tax

If these votes aren't bad enough, all the above incumbent candidates have voted for and supported all the mass developments in the city and refused to even consider any changes to their planning and zoning policies to put any controls on development.

If Tony and his cronies get back in office for another four years, there's no doubt the slash and burn, development policies will only get worse and no doubt, Aikens will find more ways to tax the city residents.

Are there really no citizens in Lenoir City who are willing to step to the plate to save the city?

Candidates have until August 15, noon to qualify to run for any of the offices listed above
