Legal or Illegal 5

For months now, I have challenged Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, to an open and public debate on the two illegal annexations at the center of the on going lawsuit between the county and city. Thus far, he has declined. Now that the judge has ruled against the city's motion to dismiss the lawsuit, the county will finally get to present the facts of the case which are very simple. Lenoir City, at the recommendation of Aikens, annexed two parcels of land outside the city's Urban Growth Boundary, UGB. There is no debate or doubt about that. The city has never even tried to make the claim that the annexations were legal.

So now would be a great time for the debate. Aikens is running for re-election and he could explain to the voters how and why he decided to support the two illegal annexations, knowing they were illegal, and why he pushed the council members to also support the illegal annexations. I think a lot of people would love to hear those answers.

All I have to bring to the debate is the state law that says a city CAN NOT annex any property outside their UGB. 

Tony Aikens decision to violate state law with his two illegal annexations, will ultimately cost the tax payers of both the city and county hundreds of thousands of dollars to decide the matter all because he got caught and doesn't want to admit what he did it.

Think about all this when you go to the polls.

I sure can't get him to answer the questions. Maybe some of the voters can ask him while he's out campaigning.
