Lawsuits, Lawsuits

If you've paid any attention to local news for the last couple of years, you may have read about the county being involved in several lawsuits. It's a fact. Seems every time we turn around, the county is being sued or is suing somebody. Unfortunately, it's now just a part of the business.

There are always those who thing they can get their way, violate county and state laws and the county will just roll over and take it. Case in point.

John Cook, Cook Brothers Construction. Mr. Cook did not get his way on a rezone request that would have allowed him to do a high density development in an area that was not suitable. He sued and lost.

There's of course Lenoir City mayor Tony Aikens two illegal annexations. Obviously, he thought he could just go about breaking state law and the county would just let it go. He grossly miscalculated that one.

There are a few folks that feel the local zoning rules just don't apply to them. Several lawsuits have been taken to cause compliance and there are others likely to come.

On the horizon, there has already been a lawsuit filed against Rodney Murphy to prohibit his illegal rock quarry in Greenback and there's a possibility of legal action with Loudon's intent to annex the Dry Valley area.

It's unfortunate that so much money has to be spent on legal actions, but in government, it's just another cost of doing business apparently.

The county will never legislate based on threats of lawsuits. We must make decisions bases on the rules before us. We will not be bullied or intimidated with threats of legal actions.  

There are state laws and county rules and regulations, that if in place, must be applied equally and fairly to everyone or to no one.
