I believe that unregulated development is irresponsible, but unregulated development with developer tax breaks thrown on top is beyond irresponsible, especially in an environment where housing prices are at an all-time high, meaning developer profits are at an all-time high. We must get a grasp on the density (# of units per acre) and the locations where these developments are being approved. Some may say that it does not seem that bad, but remember that only a portion of the City Council approved housing units are under construction. Once the full slate of approved units is built and occupied, it will undoubtedly strain our public systems. I guess you could say that we are only currently seeing the tip of the iceberg. Here are some astonishing numbers: According to the 2020 U.S. Census data, Lenoir City had 4,180 housing units. In just the last 18 months, City Council has approved the development plans for and/or rezoned properties in the City to pave the way for an approx. 5,000 more units. Imagine twice the traffic, twice the students in the classrooms, twice the number of necessary police and fire personnel, etc. You get the picture. You can see this evidence by the fact that the Loudon County and Lenoir City school systems are contemplating multi-million dollar building plans because of this current and coming student body increase. The choice is clear. If you are looking for a candidate who will listen to your concerns and vote based on facts and understanding the outcomes, I am your candidate. I will support a temporary moratorium on high-density development until the City’s zoning regulations can be evaluated and addressed. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Todd Kennedy |