Just A Short Summary
This is just a short summery on the Lenoir City
election. I'll have a lot more Monday. Incumbent Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, won his re-election but he should take real notice of the outcome. His challenger, Wayne Collins, far exceeded expectations. Aikens has been mayor for 14 years with 7 more as a council member, won by a 60%-40% margin. While certainly that's a win, Aikens has to understand how unhappy the city voters are with him. Aikens had unlimited financial resources with most of his contributions coming from people outside Lenoir City. He will have spent tens of thousands of dollars. Collins on the other hand, had never run for any office before and had no political experience and on a shoestring budget. I suspect when we get the financials in, Collins probably spent less than $500.00. Aikens only won by 856 votes. Meaning, just 425 vote change, and Collins would have been mayor. But the political earthquake in the city election was the huge win by Robin McNabb. McNabb, in her first run at city council, knocked off incumbent Mike Henline. And while 26 year incumbent, Eddie Simpson, kept his seat by a thread, McNabb also topped him by more than 150 votes. In fact, Simpson came within 86 votes of being sent home himself. Incumbent, Jennifer Wampler, held her seat and as the highest vote getter, will be vice mayor for the next two years. I suspect we'll see the addition of Ms. McNabb to the council as a game changer. I doubt seriously that councilwoman McNabb will be a rubber stamp for the mayor. I'll have more Monday on all the elections Monday. |