It's All About Zoning

Even if come the November Lenoir City election, and mayor Aikens and his three loyal council members get beat, the problem with over development will still remain. The problem is the city's zoning policies. These are the policies that have allowed the rampant, out of control residential development in the city. 

Zoning policies are set by the city council, not the planning commission. The planning commission can only administer the zoning policies adopted by the council. Currently, the city's highest density is R-3 which allows up to 24 units per acre. The R-2 allows up to 18 units per acre.

Obviously, Aikens and his council members are very happy with the city's zoning policies that have allowed the development wreck that now is Lenoir City. Over development, in the city, is the one issue that everyone in the city can clearly identify with and most all are opposed to what the mayor and council have allowed to happen.

Obviously, the mayor and council not only support the current zoning policies but are eager to support all the mass over development in the city. Aikens and council members Mike Henline, Jennifer Wampler and Eddie Simpson have no intentions to make any changes and have supported every single high density development.

To the challengers, discuss this with the voters, see what their feelings are on the direction of the city. If elected, work to change the current zoning policies to better reflect the wishes of the Lenoir City residents.
