Illegal Annexation 27

Last Monday, after 16 months, the hearing on Lenoir City's motion to dismiss the county's lawsuit against the Lenoir City's two illegal annexations was finally heard. The judge listened to both sides arguments. At the end, he stated he would have his ruling by or before June 28th.

During the oral arguments, Lenoir City's attorney, T Scott Jones, tried to raise the argument that more people needed to be added to the suit and so on. The judge wasn't having any of that saying, this case has already been well briefed.

Friday, Jones filed another supplemental brief with the court on the breach of contract portion of the suit. I have no idea if the judge will even consider this last minute motion after they have had 16 months to make all their arguments.

The pattern is pretty clear. The city side knows there's no way they win the lawsuit when it goes to court, so they have to put everything into the procedural part to try to have the case dismissed.

If you cut out all the legal mumbo-jumbo, the case is very simple and clear cut. The city illegally annexed two parcels of property and they knew it. It's just that simple.

Hopefully, the judge will make his ruling very soon allowing the case to be heard on it's merits.
