I Can't Vote

I can't vote in the Lenoir City election, neither can 90% of Loudon County residents who are being so negatively impacted by the Lenoir City mayor/council's insane development policies.

You might think that Lenoir city voters alone would be fed up with the council's over development and just as bad, their crushing taxes. But ultimately, it will be less than two thousand Lenoir City voters that will decide the direction Lenoir City and the county will go over the next few years.

The decisions of the Lenoir City mayor/council have already taken a massive toll on county property owners and citizens. Look at the mess they've created for the folks on Williams Ferry, Buttermilk and Bird Road's with the Harper Village development. Talk to the folks out on Paw Paw Plains Road and West Hwy 70 and ask them what Lenoir City over development has done to them. Drive any roads on the upper end of the county and see what they've done for traffic.

Possibly, in the very near future, all county residents including those in Loudon may be faced with a property tax increase needed to build a new school to educate all the kids the Lenoir City mayor/council's over development is bringing into the county. The Lenoir City mayor/council, just last year, raised city property taxes 17%, apparently due to over development.

Based on their previous voting records, there's no reason to believe that the current council members running for re-election won't continue these crazy development policies and continue to raise taxes at every turn. I'm not going to say anyone should vote for or against any candidate, but I would just ask that city voters look at their current council's voting records and vote for whomever they feel would do what's best for the city and county.

If you're a county resident, all you can do is talk to your friends and family members who do live and vote in the city and ask them to take a really close look at all the candidates in the race and chose wisely in this election.

All of our futures depend on their votes.
