Harrison Rd. Update

I've had several requests to see if I could get an update on the Harrison Road improvements. Above is a overlay photograph of a portion of the planned improvements.

According to Jim Wilburn and Amber Scott at City Hall, all of the right of way acquisitions have been made and the final plans are now awaiting TDOT approval. Once TDOT signs off on the project, the city will begin to bid process. No date for beginning or completion will be announced till TDOT final approval is in. 

The photo above only shows a portion of the project. The entire project will go just beyond the Harrison Glenn subdivision. The intersection at Hwy. 95 will have turn lanes on all four approaches with full signalization. Harrison Road will have a turn lane just beyond the high school with another turn lane at Harrison Glenn.

The estimated cost of the project is approximately 3.2 million dollars with the state picking up 80% of the and the city and county paying10% each for the balance.
