Gun Safety Part 2

The response to the idea of gun safety education in our schools has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. To be honest, I was surprised just how supportive everyone has been to the idea.

The main question being asked is, how would gun safety education in the schools be implemented. My first response is that the logistics of the process be left to the board of education to work with the sheriff's office to develop a logical, nonintrusive program that would be age appropriate.

As I suggested in the first article, seems the most logical place to start would be with our SRO officers. We currently have SRO's, School Resource Officers, working in all Loudon County schools. These officers are already known to the students and students know these officers are there for their safety. They already have the trust and admiration of the students. Who better to speak to the students about safety.

On the elementary level, the safety course could be as little as fifteen to thirty minutes, a couple times per year in each class. It might include nothing more than the officer stressing to the children if you see a gun don’t touch it, get away from it, tell an adult. Maybe even include a handout for the children to take home to tell the parents what they had learned and even include safety precautions to the parents about proper safety and storage of weapons in the home.  

On the middle school and high school level, much the same information just more age appropriate for the older children.

My opinion is that gun safety education should be taught first and foremost in the home by the parents. But, unfortunately the reality is that this just isn't always going to happen. Gun safety taught in the schools would be complimentary to that taught in the home. But for those children, for what ever the reason, may not have the opportunity to learn at home, the school program could be life saving.

I've had several ask what a program like this might cost. What I've mentioned above shouldn't have any cost associated with it. I have no idea if the board of education will take any action to add gun safety to our children's education or not, but if they do I hope they keep it very simple and to the point. We don't need to teach children to be marksmen, or commandos or nothing like that. Just teach them to be cautious, respectful and know the basics of gun safety.

If we could avoid just one tragic accident, wouldn't it be worth it?         
