Greenback Quarry 14

You may remember last week, the city of Greenback and the Loudon County filed a lawsuit to stop Rodney Murphy from opening a rock quarry in the middle of Greenback.

Not to be out done, Greenback's new favorite son, Rodney Murphy, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Greenback asking for $250,000.00, legal fees and anything else the court might award him.

It's hard not to remember back early last year, at a Greenback council meeting, Mr. Murphy made some big promises. He was going to give the city and the Greenback school  $50,000.00 each per year from his profits from the quarry. He was also going to give the Greenback fire department five acres for a fire hall. I think everybody knew there was no truth to that when he said it.

So, in a years time, Rodney Murphy has gone from this benevolent, Blount County businessman, to the most hated man in Greenback all for the sake of making himself some money.

Below is a link to Murphy's lawsuit.    

Click Here To Read Lawsuit
