Greenback officials' family ties a warning sign
Dear Editor: The Daily Times
The Daily Times Nov. 30 headline about the Greenback mayoral
election is snapshot of our nation. Disregarding the will of voters
is dangerous to our democracy. Poor losers are displayed nationwide.
Obstructing and delaying progress of a winning candidate is immature
and selfish. Encouraging a boycott against businesses who support
the challenging candidate is indeed evil.
Have Greenback residents been asleep allowing a politician to stay
in office for 44 years, to use nepotism to place his family as a
cushion around him? Red flag warning flies when a mayor uses his
wife as treasurer. Concentrating power, control in a tight corner is
a recipe for disaster.
It should not be a surprise the treasurer delays the date to
switch over the city’s financial records. Is it buying time to
doctor those records?
Greenback has its work to do to amend the vaguely worded
charter. A deadline imposed for the sitting mayor to step down,
term limits, no nepotism.
Yes, this is America. Voters are allowed to vote as wished. We
will be watching the developments for Greenback and our nation
as the swamp is drained.
Shanna Cooper
Old Niles Ferry Road