Good For Lee

I've certainly been no fan of Governor Lee since he was elected. He's made some very questionable decisions from immigration to COVID. He's done a lot of flip flopping on several issues. But I will have to give him credit for not folding under the pressure from the mask Nazis.

If I had been betting, I would have sure bet he would have ordered a mask mandate at his Sunday press conference. Fortunately, he didn't. He did go out of his way to criticize anybody that doesn't wear masks, but stopped short of the mandate. My guess is, republican legislators are who should be thanked.

It baffles me how some put all their faith in masks. The states, counties and cities, that have mask mandates have just as bad an infection and death rate as those without a mandate.

Below is a blaring headline from one of our local news station Monday.

How is that even possible? Knox County has and has had a mask mandate in place for months. If masks are so effective, shouldn't Knoxville be on the low end of infections?  Even the governor's wife has the COVID, in Nashville, where there is a mask mandate. Are there any maskers out there that will go so far as to say, wearing masks prevents anyone from getting the virus? As we're told over and over, follow the science. We're all going to get the COVID before it's over.

I've also noticed that us no maskers aren't demanding that everyone else take off their masks. But on the other hand, the maskers are unrelenting in demanding that everyone conform to their way of thinking and wear the mask. Guess that's just the difference between those of us who believe in personal responsibility and freedom and those who believe in blind obedience and conformity. If wearing a mask makes you feel safe, by all means, wear your mask, I totally respect your right to do so. It doesn't bother me in the least. You maskers could show the same respect.       

I'm sure the true medical masks can prevent someone from inhaling the virus but I'm not sure any mask will prevent any one from getting the virus from touch. Masks may even give the wearer a false sense of security and they might be more careless about other protocols. You know like touching their masks, faces and noses a hundred times while you're talking to them. Us no maskers are real conscious about our surroundings and what we touch and don't touch.

Rahm Emanuel, former President Obama’s chief of staff said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. It provides the opportunity to do things that were not possible to do before.” 

It appears all those years ago, Rahm Emanuel, showed us how democrats really think. And they're sure not going to let this serious crisis go to waste. 
