GB Suit Settled

Back in April of 2019, the City Of greenback filed a lawsuit against the Greenback Fire Department and former Mayor Tom Peeler. The suit claimed that Peeler who was no longer the mayor, illegally signed two quit claim deeds to the fire department giving them property that belonged to the city. In May of the same year, the fire department filed a $250,000.00 counter suit against the city. That suit was later dismissed.

The original case was set to be heard last week before Chancellor Williams. Ultimately, the case was settled before it was heard by the judge. On the day of the hearing, the fire department agreeded to gave the property back to the city and Peeler or someone agreed to pay a substantial amount of money for the city's legal fees.

The final agreement hasn't yet been entered with the court system but should be in the next week to ten days.

Update when available.

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Greenback Files Lawsuit

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