Final Early Numbers

This August early vote was the largest August early vote we've ever had.  We had, 7,883 cast their vote early.  For those that could not make it, you can cast your vote Thursday, August 2, from 8 to 8 in Loudon County. If you don’t know where to go on Election Day, call the office at 865-458-2560.

At the end of Early Voting on Saturday, July 28, at 12 Noon, Loudon County will have provided 218 total hours of Early Voting for Loudon County voters.

By state law we have to provide 42 hours. Thank you Loudon County Commission for providing funds so we can go beyond what is required. Early Voting is becoming more utilized with every election. Hope to see you on Friday or Saturday

Susan Harrison
Administration Of Elections

If we continue the 65% early and 35% day of election, we should vote around 12,000 total.

Another new table below show each district and precinct registered voters, how many voted and the breakdown of democrat and republican votes.

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th  7th Total
up to 7/13/18 27 37 15 11 20 8 51 169
7/13/18 95 90 39 53 116 39 56 488
07/14/18 39 27 6 9 51 23 12 167
07/16/18 85 83 35 38 150 58 43 492
07/17/18 133 57 31 31 153 67 409 881
07/18/18 124 43 31 39 135 60 420 852
07/19/18 142 74 33 34 120 78 420 901
07/20/18 106 55 31 43 123 77 50 485
07/21/18 53 28 13 14 106 38 21 273
07/23/18 116 47 34 34 139 43 49 462
07/24/18 98 63 42 28 145 71 54 501
07/25/18 94 61 20 29 152 70 79 505
07/26/18 94 52 28 41 148 89 57 509
07/27/18 169 102 36 81 194 110 72 764
07/28/18 90 61 24 36 106 77 40 434
Total 1465 880 418 521 1858 908 1833 7883


  Lenoir City  Early Voting Loudon      Early Voting Tellico Village Early Voting Absentee & Nursing Home Total
up to 7/13/2018       169 169
7/13/2018 322 156   10 488
7/14/2018 112 45   10 167
7/16/2018 359 123   10 492
7/17/2018 327 114 440 0 881
7/18/2018 271 98 469 14 852
7/19/2018 307 116 458 20 901
7/20/2018 317 163   5 485
7/21/2018 193 70   10 273
7/23/2018 277 162   23 462
7/24/2018 372 128   1 501
7/25/2018 349 134   22 505
7/26/2018 351 146   12 509
7/27/2018 491 264   9 764
7/28/2018 280 126   28 434
TOTAL 4328 1845 1367 343 7883






