Entrance Tax 3
Dead In The Water


According to the Tellico Village Property Owners Association, the idea of an entrance tax on homes sold in the village is dead in the water. For two years in a row, the POA had attempted to have state legislation passed that would allow the POA to implement the entrance tax. This years plan was to add a $5,000.00 tax on most all houses sold in the village, paid by the buyer.

According to the POA board chairman, John Orr, State Representative, Lowell Russell, had agreed to carry the legislation for the POA if the citizens supported it and if he could find a senate sponsor. It appeared that a majority of villagers were opposed to the tax and no state senator agreed to sponsor it.

The chairman also announced at the last board meeting, that as of now, the chance of ever implementing the entrance tax would be years down the road. That announcement was met with loud applauses from those in attendance at the meeting.


The proposed legislation regarding the Reserve Funding Fee did not gain a Senate sponsor necessary to move forward. As a result, the Reserve Funding Fee Bill will not be presented to the state legislature this session. Over the next several months, the Board will look at the possibility of amending our governing documents, including the possibility of allowing electronic approval by property owners, given the evolving laws surrounding electronic ballots.

POA Board Announcement
