Empowering TV 3
Our Mission....To communicate critical village news in a fair, clear, truthful and concise manner of key issues that impact our village.
Publisher: Mark Werner
Contributors: John Villa, Chris Hoffer, Lowell Russell Hello
neighbors, well there is a lot to share with you all in this Newsletter.
As always, we aim to provide just the facts and NO opinion. Just the Facts
1. John Orr the new board
president in his opening yesterday and speaking to the Waste Water tank
said, (paraphrasing) “We heard the feedback from last 2 months on the
waste water tank and if we ever need the
tank he said, if we can mitigate
the I&I enough not to need the tank. DOES MEAN THE TANK IS DEAD!
2. He
also said, the tank was Jacob’s effort to find the least cost solution.
THE LEAST COST SOLUTION it is about $8M in the TAP cost certainly
mitigating rain water from getting into our backyard tanks won’t take
3. After
a meeting about 2 weeks ago with Jacob’s, Chet, PESAC rep and Mike
Lackey’s team, Jacobs was to reevaluate their 2021 Report that said if
we reduce our I&I (water infiltration) we don’t need a tank? Did they
report back? Reducing our I&I (water infiltration) was always in the
Lackey team’s solutions.
4. So,
if we don’t need the tank, we don’t need the TDEC grant. So who pays for
the estimated $500K and $800K we already spent on this tank? Is this
just lost money? Gone? POOF!
A BIG ONE…Speaking on the RESERVE FUND John
said, and I’m paraphrasing again, “the board has received hundreds of
emails regarding the RESERVE FUND, as did Lowell Russell. These emails
were somewhere between 3 or 4 to 1 in support of the bill…AND
WE spoke with Lowell Russell; his survey is NOT trending 3 or 4 to 1 in
favor. So where did John get this
information? Did CHET provide it? Did they actually call Rep Russell’s
office and ask?
6. Then
CHET speaking at the Townhall said all votes in the Covenant process to
amend our Covenants MUST BE NOTARIZED
this is completely
false. 7. Interesting statement by Mr. Grollemond of the board, again I’m paraphrasing, “We have known since 2018 that we would need a “Buy in” fee in fact I ran on that and got elected” …that was 5 years ago! If you had started the process using our Declaration and Covenants back then, we would have a “Buy In” Fee in place… 8. In fact, if the board had started our process in 2023 instead of circumventing the residents we would most likely have it in place…
1. No
one and I repeat No one knows how much money we need in reserve. WHY?
Because the RESERVE STUDY used to
determine how much we need is FALSE!
WRONG! INCORRECT! WHY? Its incorrect because the assumptions used
in it are WRONG! These assumptions are OVERSTATED and that overstates
our RESERVE NEEDS. The board has publicly acknowledged that it is wrong
on a number of occasions. The latest at the Conservative Club meeting
where Mike Braddock acknowledged it. This RESERVE STUDY says we need
$10m in reserve. We believe it’s more like $5m or less.
ALREADY HAVE $5M in the account….in fact we have over $25M and
2. So
why not FIX this RESERVE STUDY? We can and we can do it in less
than one day. The big drivers and their assumptions are known. Reduce
these assumptions to more realistic numbers and recalculate.
3. SO
WHY DON’T THEY? This writer doesn’t know. At the very least you
can do a cursory view and establish a target. Then use that target to
establish our financial strategy. THAT would go a long way to resolving
this issue until you do an official study.
4. Our
Covenants do not allow us to establish this a Reserve FEE. BUT our
Declaration does allow us to change our Covenants giving us “permission”
to establish this fund. YES…it requires a 2/3’s yes vote by the POA in
good standing. That’s a tough hurdle to jump…BUT it’s supposed to be
hard it was designed to be hard! Opinion… When I
started this Newsletter, I intended to only provide the facts. That
seemed like the fairest way to do it. But it’s impossible to do
that. Facts are not subjective yet many of the causes, complaints and
solutions that are shared are! They are opinions and emotions and they
are legitimate to the owner. The most constant complaint I hear is
WE DON’T TRUST YOU. I don’t care
who you are if you are labeled with that statement, you have done
something to lose trust. If we look
back, we can probably identify where trust in the holdover board (Mr.
Braddock, Mr. Inkrott, Mr. Grollemond and Mr. Schneider) began. I point
to July, 2024 POA meeting. At this meeting the board (with those 4
present) voted to charge every resident an $80 fee to pay for the TAP…in
fact, it was called a TAP Fee. They made sure they “legally” could use a
FEE instead of a Special Assessment by getting a second opinion. Well
now we know why they did that. The process of a Special Assessment takes
time, it’s supposed to. It’s designed to get resident input. They didn’t
do that. So over the past 6 months the board has been getting resident
feedback, at POA board Meetings, Townhalls, NextDoor, wherever residents
could find an outlet for their voice. As Chet and the board have now
admitted didn’t believe the TAP fee would be supported by the residents,
and they were right! A single sole source $37m solution is contrary to
any business decision.YET despite numerous residents speaking out
against that fee…the board voted 6 to 1 to pass it. The
landscape has changed dramatically since then. Despite that board’s
reluctance to get an alternative to a sole source (Jacob’s Engineering)
solution, the recent election has forced them to look at an alternative
solution to a $37M program. An
alternative that has been estimated at about $8m. Now Jacob’s seems to
agree, lower the I&I and no tank is needed. We will finally focus on the
root cause of our problem water infiltration into residential tanks. If
we reduce the water infiltration by 38% the problem disappears ...AND SO
SHOULD THE TAP PROGRAM. In fact, the TAP program should never
have been accepted without a SECOND opinion…that board didn’t want one!
Now they have no choice. In the end the residents have spoken through
our election. Voting for Mike Lackey and Joel Reed the residents have
made it very clear. Change is needed and needed NOW! In the meantime, the board can earn some GOODWILL from the residents. It’s simple to do, suspend the $80 Water and Sewer Infrastructure Fee and do it NOW!! Folks if you feel the same you need to make your feelings known to the board. Send them a letter an email, voice mail...let them know. |