The Economic Development
Agency, EDA, Study Committee held their first meeting last Thursday.
Members are, Loudon County commissioners, Chase Randolph and Rosemary
Quillen, Loudon City councilmen, John Cardwell and James Webb and even
though Lenoir City mayor Aikens refused to appoint members to the
committee, councilman Todd Kennedy attended as the lone Lenoir City
representative. The purpose of the committee is to discuss future funding and participation of Loudon County in the EDA. In June, the county commission voted to withdraw all funding and participation in the EDA if a more amicable funding scheme could not be reached. Currently, Loudon County funds 68.8%, $177,174.00, of all funding to the organization, yet receives very little if any benefit, from the organization. The first meeting of the EDA Study Committee didn't seem to reach any particular conclusions except that the Loudon city representatives sure don't want to pay any more to the EDA, but would rather let the county pay majority of the bills. Loudon City currently pays 15.3% , $39,345.00 to the EDA. Lenoir City currently pays 13.9%, $35,744.00. There also seemed to be confusion of the county's intentions to withdraw from the EDA in two years. Loudon Councilman, John Cardwell, seemed to think the county was simply withdrawing from the interlocal agreement, but would continue to provide funding to the EDA. The county intention is also withdraw all funding to the EDA leaving the two cities to pick up the full bill. Another point of significant conversation was the lack of communication from the EDA to county commission. EDA director Jack Qualls, rarely informs the county on any projects he's working on when many times the projects are detrimental to the county, such as the Hotchkiss Valley annexation. Cardwell suggested the commission communicate with the EDA of our opposition to such projects even though, commission has told Qualls several times of our opposition to many of his city projects. Cardwell seemed to think it was up to the county commission to communicate with the EDA board. At the county commission's last workshop, I introduced a resolution that would clearly communicate to Mr. Qualls and the EDA board what our expectations of the EDA are when conflicts exist between the county and the cities. See resolution below. Hopefully, additional meetings will be held and a financial resolution can be found before the two year deadline comes.