I dare say, few Loudon County citizens know what the EDA is. The EDA
is The Loudon County Economic Development Agency. It's no part of Loudon
County government even though the county gives then a pile of money
every year. Below is
a little historical info on the EDA.
So the purpose for the EDA is to bring economic
development to the county, creating jobs and generally being an asset
for the county and cities. There are some who believe the EDA does a
good job for the county. I am not one The issue here is how the EDA is funded. Some years ago, Loudon, Lenoir City and Loudon County entered into an interlocal agreement to fund this organization. Not sure who's brain child the funding scheme was but it sure left the county tax payers holding the bag. Currently, Loudon County pays 68.8%, Loudon City pays 15.3% and Lenoir City pays 13.9% with 1.9% coming from the Committee of 100. In dollar amounts that comes to; Loudon County paying-$177,174.00 Total contributions- $257,148.00 Why is the county paying nearly five times more than the two cities? Especially given that all the industries and businesses that the EDA has supposedly brought in have located in one or the other of the cities. In last Monday's county commission budget meeting, commission voted to approve this years funding request to the EDA with the stipulation that the county would be withdrawing from the organization in two years, as is our right under the interlocal agreement. As an alternative option, the county has previously asked the two cities to agree to equalize payment to the EDA, Equal Pay For EDA. i.e., all parties pay the same rate. $84,087.00. 1st District, county commissioner, Chase Randolph, will be proposing a committee, made up of county and city representatives to reevaluate all aspects of the EDA. The EDA is an out dated, obsolete organization that should have been disbanded years ago. Unfortunately, quirks in state law require a joint EDA by the county and cities or potentially lose some state grants. But the state law does not mandate that the EDA have a $100,000.00+ per year director. Personally, I don't think the EDA is worth any tax dollars but somehow they keep getting a boat load. EDA Board Members
Buddy Bradshaw,
Jeff Harris,
Vice Chairman
John Evans,
Eddie Simpson
Gary Whitfield
Rodney Grugin
John Harrison
Bruce Giles EDA Executive
Committee Tony Aikens, City of Lenoir City Mayor Jeff Harris, City of Loudon Mayor John Evans, LCEDA BOD Treasurer |