Eating Crow?

Fore Note: When the people speak, you better listen. But villagers better keep an eye on their POA board. They won't quit at this.


June 21, 2022
During the June 15th POA Board Meeting, the Board received numerous comments from attendees. These comments, along with over 500 emails, texts, and phone calls to the Board, revealed that a majority of residents oppose any policy restricting the carrying of handguns in Tellico Village.

In light of this, and the fact that enforcement would be virtually impossible, the Board has unanimously come to the conclusion that enacting a policy barring guns from our facilities portends more risks than benefits for Village residents and is, therefore, not the right thing to do. 

In making this decision, the Board is aware that there is a diversity of opinion on this subject in the Village. We received a number of emails advocating some type of handgun restriction in our facilities. We do ask that the wisdom many of you expressed of keeping handguns concealed while in POA facilities be passed on to your fellow gun owners.  What makes Tellico Village a great place to live is our mutual respect for each other and our ability to be considerate and mindful of the feelings of our neighbors. This is what defines the social fabric of our community. We urge you to continue to respect the opinions of every one of our fellow Villagers.

The Board wishes to thank everyone who shared their thoughts and opinions, and we sincerely apologize for any turmoil that this has caused.  At this point we consider this issue closed and do not intend to include it on next month’s meeting agenda.

Thank you,
Tellico Village Board of Directors
