That's Good News
Loudon County Fire Rescue has received their new rating from ISO which
will take effect on September 1, 2016. The new Public Protection
Classification is a 5/10. What this means is, if you live within 5 miles
of a fire station, you are a class 5. If you live outside of the 5 miles
of a fire station, you are a class 10.
There are some exceptions to the Class 10 classification. If a residence is within 5-7 miles of a fire station and within 1000 feet of a creditable water supply, they can apply for a classification of a 10W which will help lower their insurance cost instead of being classified as not being protected. LCFR has worked extremely hard to improve our Protection Classification and we continue to try to better the department to potentially better our classification even further. We are
planning on announcing the new classification to the public closer to
the time that it takes affect and hopefully in conjunction with the
grand opening of the new station at the Crossroads. |