Daughter of Loudon County deputy takes to Facebook to support police LENOIR CITY, Tenn. (WVLT) -- The daughter of a Loudon County Sheriff's deputy posted a picture on Facebook to show her support to all men and women in law enforcement. On any given day, TJ Scarbrough and his 13 year-old daughter Addie have a date in their backyard to play football. "She's a tomboy. She likes to throw the football," Scarbrough said with a laugh. But on any given day, Scarbrough knows the conversation he has to have with Addie and the rest of his family when he gets into his patrol car and heads to work for the Loudon County Sheriff's Office. And with the recent events happening in Dallas, it's brought up the topic once again of a truth he's forced to face. "What if dad don't come home? What happens? I always tell them, dad is doing what he loves to do, and hopefully you can respect that enough that if something does happen, just think dad was doing what he loves to do trying to help someone," Scarborough said. And since the shootings in Dallas that took the lives of five officers, Addie took to Facebook to show her support for her dad and everyone else who puts on a badge before heading to work. Addie and her step-sister snapped a picture of Addie standing in front of her dad's patrol car and holding a sign that reads, "My daddy's life matters". Addie said she took the picture because she's seen others post similar pictures and wanted to join in with her support. "I seen the idea and I wanted to do it because my dad's life does matter and all lives matter," she said. Addie explained that it's tough when her dad leaves for work and broke down in tears when she tried to explain what it's like to have a father in law enforcement. She said she tells him she loves him and to be careful every day that he leaves for the job because she knows what he's faced with. Scarbrough explained that despite the demands of the job, it's what he's always wanted to do. And it makes the time spent playing football games in the backyard so much sweeter. "I love every chance I get to spend
with the family," he said.