From Loudon County Mayor Buddy Bradshaw

Good morning,

      I just want to let everyone know the plan begining Monday, 3/23 at the County Office Building.

We will have tables set up to create a “stop” in the lobby. Hand sanitizer will be on the table. As people come in they will approach the table  and the Deputy will ask prudent questions about the potential risk of being exposed to or having the COVID19 virus. If the risk is low the Deputy will then ask who they need to see and what is their business.

Vendors will be turned away and the number one question will be answered: “Is this the health department?”

With legitimate business, the Deputy will ask Anita to notify their contact here and that person will come and escort them to their office. Example being someone needs to pick up a petition or turn in a petition to run for office then Anita will let Susan Harrison or someone from her office know and they will come to take them back if necessary.

We are encouraging everyone to use email or fax for purchase orders, requisitions, time sheets, invoices, packing slips, etc. SAVE THE ORIGINALS!!!!!  We will need the originals at a later time.

    If you have any questions please feel free to let me know.


