Campaign Kickoff 4

Looks like Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, is going all in on his bid for re-election. Using social media, which he says he despises, he seems to be starting with a blitz ad campaign.

In his first big release, he's got a dozen "Lenoir City Business Men And Women Who Endorse Tony Aikens For Lenoir City Mayor." Oddly, there's only four of those persons who actually live in the city and could even vote for him. That was much the same case when he held his campaign kickoff in Knox County back in September, last year. It always seems that more people who don't have to live in the city, under the Aikens regime, seem to support him more than people who live in the city.

The Aikens post claims to show some of the great things he's done for the city. The best is, he says he secured a 5%, or 5 cents, property tax reduction in 2024. But he failed to mention that he secured a 17%, or 14 cent, property tax increase in 2021. Aikens also left of several important achievements he secured.

Aikens and the council supported and voted for a sales tax hike in 2024
Aikens and the council supported and voted for a 17% (14 Cents) property tax hike in 2021
Aikens and the council supported and voted for a sales tax hike in 2018
Aikens and the council supported and voted for the Rain Tax in 2017
Aikens and the council supported and voted for the gas tax hike in 2017
Aikens and the council supported and voted for all the mass, residential development in the city
Aikens and the council supported and voted for millions of dollars in tax breaks for certain developers and businesses

And how did the mayor forget to mention the Kingston Street Laundromat deal? That's where he and business partner, Lenoir City Treasurer, Jim Wilburn, co-owners of the Laundromat, sold the property for $500,000.00 then got the council to vote to give the new Laundromat owners a vacant lot, owned by the city, to the the new owners. What a great deal for Lenoir City residents. 

Aikens next post on social media, which he says he despises, was a group shot of all the incumbents up for re-election talking about all their great accomplishments. It calls on city voters to "Vote For Teamwork" The ad doesn't say who paid for it.

Honestly, I'm not sure Lenoir City or Loudon County for that matter, can afford four more years of this kind of teamwork.

Apparently, "Supporting our public safety personal"
doesn't include paying the city's portion of 911 services.
