Conflict Of Interest?

Back during the "Kick Earlena Maples Off The Ballot" campaign by Lenoir City officials, the main concern stated by the mayor, council persons and legal council was, it could be a conflict of interest for an LCUB employee to serve on the LCUB Power Board if she were elected. Even though Ms. Maples made it clear that if elected to council and serving on the Power Board, if an issue arose that could be considered a conflict of interest, she would recues herself from any such vote. To no avail, Ms. Maples was removed from the ballot. Just couldn't take a chance on that possible conflict of interest thing.

You could look at all that and think, well, that's honorable of the city officials to be so concerned about even the appearance of conflict of interests, if they really believe that. Let's see if they do.

I would introduce you to a gentleman who's name most of you probably don't know. His name is George Bove. Mr. Bove serves on the LCUB Power Board as one of the two Knox County representatives. Mr. Bove was appointed to the Power Board by former Knox County mayor, Tim Burchett, in 2012. 

According to his Linkedin page, at the time of his appointment to the Power Board, he was Financial Secretary/Business Manager for the IBEW Union. In 2014 he left his job with the Union and went to work for BESCO, Broadway Electric Service Cooperation. From the BESCO website: 

Over six decades as regional, industry leaders, BESCO is proud of its success in providing premier electrical services for clients across an array of industries. While we have proudly expanded our capabilities, we remain committed to the electrical expertise our clients have trusted and relied on for the past 60 years. BESCO is your electrical partner for construction projects, maintenance support, and emergency services, delivering excellence every day.

Over the last few years, BESCO has been awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in contracts by LCUB for various work projects through out the LCUB system. (Waiting on a public records request to find total dollar amounts)

In November of 2015, Mr. Bove bought two parcels of property from Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens valued at $250,000.00 according to records in the county register of deeds office. The two parcels are located on Bussell Ferry Road and Poplar Street. According to the tax bills, Mr. Bove is living at the Bussell Ferry Road address yet still serves on the LCUB Power Board as a Knox County representative.

I want to be very clear. I'm not suggesting anyone has done anything wrong. But it sure would be easy to think there's a strong possibility of a conflict of interest here on several levels. I do not know Mr. Bove and have never met him, but from what I read about him, sounds like a fine person. I know nothing about BESCO, but from what I've read about their company, it sounds like a top notch outfit.

Mr. Bove works for BESCO, BESCO gets large contracts from the LCUB Power Board where Mr. Bove serves as a board member. I understand that any time BESCO contracts come up, Mr. Bove recues himself from that vote. (Remember Ms. Maples promise to recues herself) 

Mr. Bove pays the mayor a quarter million dollars for two parcels of property then moves to Lenoir City yet still serves on the LCUB Power Board as a Knox County representative, apparently with the blessing of then Knox County mayor, Tim Burchett.

Back to the beginning, the main concern stated by the mayor, council persons and legal council about Ms. Maples running for council was, there could be a conflict of interest. City officials are on record showing great concern about potential conflicts of interest. I would suspect they will take a very close look at the possibilities here and take swift action to correct this potential of conflict of interest.

Should Mr. Bove resign from the LCUB Power Board due to the appearance of a possible conflict of interest? Absolutely and probably should have the day  he took a job with a company that would be doing business with LCUB. We elected and appointed officials owe it to the people we represent, to not only, not, be involved where there could be a conflict, but to never be in a position where there's even the appearance of any conflict of interests.  

From Mr. Bove's Linkedin Profile:



George Bove
